Company: Fluzo Studio (2013)
    Position: Lead Game Designer, Game Play Programmer
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    The Promise is a cinematographic adventure where the player controls a small hero on a dangerous quest for redemption.

    A long time ago a little elf made a promise to a girl, a broken promise. Now he is back to right the wrong, before it is too late.

    Sneak into the old house and equip yourself to confront the obstacles and enemies that such a tiny character will find in his way.


    Unity 3D

    My role

    • Lead Game Design

      The game concept was created between the Lead Artist and me. Later on I created and managed most of the documentation, including GDD, Promotion Dossier and the Crowd-funding Strategy.

      The player takes control over a small elf, about 9 cm tall. The character control will be a standard third  person platform control (walk-run-jump) with a semi-fixed camera. The interaction with the environment is driven through contextual actions.

       We wanted to create a cinematographic experience. To achieve that, I  designed and sketched many of the Quick Time Event sequences and cutscenes.

    • Game Play Programmer

      I collaborated with the programming team, coding most of the main character controls and functionalities, from navigation and climbing to object interaction and combat.

      In addition I participated in the coding of the camera system.

    • Level Design

      The level design and its  implementation were one of my main tasks. The player has to find their way climbing over and through the house and furniture, solve physics-based puzzles and survive Quick Time Events.

    • Technical Art

      I also created and tweaked most of the Mechanim animation’s tree.

      To adjust the scene atmosphere and post processing to actions of the player we used UnitySkyController, a unity plugin developed by myself.