Company: Redvel Games
    Position: Lead Game Designer. Lead Game Programmer
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    Football game from the point of view of a single player. In this game you are not the manager of a team, you manage the career of a young football star.  

    This small project was made in Unity by a small team in a really short time frame. The football simulation itself is really naive but nevertheless, the game was successful enough to allow the company to start much more ambitious projects. Even today the game still has more than 100k monthly active users.


    Unity, Playfab

    My role

    Lead Game Designer and Lead Game Programmer

    • Design and Implementation of Difficulty System

      Created and balanced a difficulty system to determine, based on player’s skills and teammates’ skills, the probability of winning each match, and, according to that prediction, created a match as a set of goal opportunities for each team.

    • Designed Finishing Shot Minigame

      Our system only allowed one player interaction per chance, so after you make a pass to a mate, he shoots automatically at the goal. We detected that this was very frustating, so we replaced the automatic shot with a slowmotion effect. If players tap in the right moment, the shot is good, to soon or to late and the shot goes out.

    • Designed Negotiation Minigame

      A small mini game used to negotiate your salary and bonuses. The player controls how close you get your hand to your boss’ to close a deal, the more you manage to attract his hand to your side of the table, the better conditions you get. But careful; if you are too greedy, you’ll get nothing, or worse, your boss will be mad at you.

    • Hack n Plan Task Planning

      Sprint planning and follow up.
