Company: Tequila Works
Position: Game Designer
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Rime™ tells the story of a boy who must use his wits to escape from a mysterious island and a terrible curse.

Open World Gameplay – Free-form exploration allows you to explore the island and ultimately uncover its terrible secret.

Dynamic Puzzle Solving – You are integral to how puzzles are solved and even time itself.
Rime is also the first Spanish video game to be featured on the  cover of Edge magazine.


Unreal Engine 4

My role


  • Blueprint Implementation

    Implemented gameplay elements, both prototypes and finals, using blueprints.   I also implemented many interactive visual fx that react to player presaence or events.

  • Sky System Blueprint

    In close collaboration with the Art and Technical Art departments I implemented the system that helped bring to life the beautiful sky showcased in the screenshots.

  • Interactive Cinematic Sequences

    Some of the key elements of the storyline are explained to the player using cinematic sequences with some degree of interaction. This was achieved working closely with the Animation department and a lot of scripting.

  • Puzzle Design

    Designed some of the open environment puzzles in the game.

  • Level Design

    Implemented several Puzzle Areas.
