Company: PyxelArts
    Position: Game Designer
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    Anmynor is a squad based MOBA, where the player controls a group of five golems in battles against other players.

    Golems are creatures created by Alchemists, and they take their power from Elemental Runes attached to  different parts of their bodies. The Runes combinations are used to determine the stats and the abilities of the creature.


    Hero Engine

    My role

    • Skills Trees and Balancing

      Designing and balancing Skills Trees that helps to create  an interesting and tactic game play across time was an extensive task. Players were able to combine up to five Runes in each of the four body parts of the Golem, in a squad of five Golems. In addition to the great number of possible combinations, another task was to visually communicate each ability effect to the player during the battles, making it possible to identify their opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and create a combat strategy.

      A lot of Excel sheets and play testing was necessary to create a balanced and tactic game play, to achieve that, I worked hand to hand with the lead programmer, communicating and discussing the information gathered by ourselves and by the play testers.

    • Monetization Model

      A key concept of Anmynor was the in-game currency, used to repair the Golems’ body parts and buy items. In-game a quantity of in-game money, runes and items can be obtained depending on the battle’s result. But body parts accumulate damage, making it necessary to spend in-game money repairing the Golems.  The in-game money income and outcome curve was carefully balanced across time to incentivize the players to buy in-game currency with real money.

    • Level Design

      The arena’s design was also critical to adding tactical value to the game play. When I joined the project, most arenas were just rounded areas with no obstacles, that lead to accumulations of units in the center, making it almost impossible to use an elaborate strategy based on the units’ abilities.

    • Game Modes

      In addition to the classic Deathmatch and Capture the Flag  modes, other original games modes were included, like Protect the Temple or  Crystal Gathering.

      In Protect the Temple, each team has a Base and two Towers, connected to a generator. The objetive of the game is to destroy the enemy’s base, but the generator duplicates the hit points, the damage and the attack power of the other structures.

      In Crystal Gathering resources are randomly spawned around the arena, players acquire resources according to the damage produced to the source, the player that gathers the most resources wins.