• Professional Game Development

    • Redvel Games (2017-Present)

      Working at Redvel Games has given me a deep knowledge of the mobile game industry and the importance of using analytics to get to know your users and your game. We started creating a small and simple game and less than 2 years later we manage to built a complex footbal game that stands out in a market traditionaly dominated by a few big companies.

      Another great thing about these years has been the oportunity of gaining a solid and detailed knowledge of Shader Programming and Technical Art. The need for highly optimized rendering for mobile motivated me to learn HLSL and the differents rendering APIs, aswell as a comprenhensive collection of industry-proven techniques and visual tricks.

    • Tequila Works (2014-2017)

      My position in Tequila Works gave me the awesome challenge of working for the award winning Rime using Unreal Engine 4.As part of the Design team I’ve been involved in a wide range of tasks, from Design Documentation to Level Design. One main tasks has been Blueprint implementation including gameplay elements and visual fx helpers. A particularly  remarkable example of that  is the sky system Blueprint.Game Design Documentation.Design levels using Unreal Engine 4 and other tools.Implement Gameplay elements using blueprints.Implement Visual FX and Dynamic Materials helpers.Colaborated with Art  and Technical Art to create and tweek the sky system.Interactive cinematic scenes and events implementation.

    • Fluzo Studios (2013)

      Fluzo Studios was created in January 2013 by the CEO of my previous company and he offered me the opportunity to lead the design team in a very challenging project with many of the members of previous development team.As Lead Game Designer my role is the creation of games concepts, definition of game mechanics and maintaining the design documentation but I’m also involved in Game Programming and R&D. My mains tasks were:Design documentation for games locations, characters, rules, story, objects, interface, promotion and crowd-funding strategy.Project Management,  Scrum sprint’s planning.Cooperate closely with artists and  programmers.Cutscenes and Quick Time Events design.Design levels using Unity and other tools.Programming game play featuresUnity Plugins Development, C# and C++ programming.Technical Art, scene illumination.Here you can find more information about the projects developed by Fluzo Studios and my role in each one:The Promise, UniTouch and Unity SkyController

    • Pyxel Arts (2011-2012)

      I was hired as Game Designer and soon I became the Lead Game Designer of the company’s main project. My task were:Design documentation for games locations, characters, rules, story, objects and interface.Project Management.Cooperate closely with artists and  programmers.Design levels using Unity and other tools.Mobile and web development.Creation of skill trees.Creation of game modes.Multiplayer game balance.Technical Art, scene illumination.QA and testing.Here you can find more information about the projects developed by Pyxel Arts and my role in each one:Anmynor Puzzle and Anmynor

    • Telyenet Games Studio (2009-2010)

      I was hired to develop a c++ game engine for iPhone, design and develop advertising games templates and research applications for new technologies like Augmented Reality. I sold to the company the IP of the board game DruidaeMy mains tasks were:Project ManagementSoftware design. C++ Programming.Game Design.Artwork creation.Mobile and web development.Unity Plugins Development, C# and C++ programming.Augmented Reality using ARToolkit.Here you can find more information about the projects developed by Telynet Games Studio and my role in each one:Druidae Puzzle,Druidae and Telynet Game Engine

    • Pyro Studios (2008)

      I have had the privilege of starting my professional career working for Pyro Studio and Illion Studio in the simultaneous production of Planet 51 film and video game, as Junior Game Designer. I participated in meetings with the game producer and the leads members the art and programming team, as well as key members of the film production team. This experience gave me a very good overall picture of how a big audiovisual production is made.I also participated in the development of Gifted, but the project was cancelled due to the lack of publisher.My main task were:Quest designMini games design.Level design.Game logic script programming.QA and testing.Planet 51

    Other Professional Experience

    • STG Consultores (2007 -2008),  .NET Analyst Programmer
    • ELOGOS SL. (2005-2006), C# Programmer, Web Developer.
    • Grupo Doxa SL. (2005). C# Programmer, Web Developer.
    • ED. Comares SL. (2003-2005) C++ Programmer. Database Administrator.
  • (2002-2004)  Technical Engineering in Computer Development Universidad de Granada

  • Software Development Skills

    • Project Management
      • Jira
      • HackNPlan
    • Game Engines
      • Unreal
      • Unity
    • Programming Languages
      • C#
      • C++
      • HLSL
    • Procedural Graphic Design
      • Substance Designer 3D
      • Blender Geometry Nodes
      • Archimatix
    • Graphic Design
      • Photoshop
      • 3D Studio Max
      • Blender
  • English (Complete professional competence.)

    Spanish (Native)